Navigating the World of Insurance

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Navigating the World of Insurance

The world of insurance is changing. While you used to have to meet up with an insurance agent in person to discuss your policy options, you can now begin a new insurance policy right online. When I first signed up for an auto insurance policy, I realized that signing up right online led to confusion when I didn't have an agent with me to discuss which policy was best for me. Thankfully, I realized I could chat with an agent right on the website. I then began researching insurance and learned a lot about many types of insurance during the process. I find the ever-changing world of insurance so interesting that I continue to research it and thought that I would help others by posting what I learn on a blog. I hope I can help you make good insurance policy decisions! Check back often for new posts!


4 Reasons To Not Just Get Minimum Coverage On Your New Vehicle

25 June 2020
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

After you invest your money into a new vehicle, it can be tempting to save a little money and skimp on your insurance coverage. However, you should not only pay for the minimum insurance coverage. Getting just minimum coverage can be a really costly mistake if you get into an accident. Reason #1: No Protection Against Uninsured Drivers If you get into an accident with someone who doesn't have insurance, or you are involved in a hit or run accident, you are going to have a damaged new vehicle, with no money to fix your vehicle with if you go with the minimum insurance coverage. Read More …

Two Tips To Help You Save Money When Purchasing SR-22 Insurance

21 March 2020
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Finding out that you must carry a Certificate of Financial Responsibility, also known as an SR-22, can deliver a swift blow to both your ego and your wallet. You were probably told that you must purchase an SR-22 because you incurred a traffic violation that in some way signified a lack of responsibility. Maybe you were accused of driving under the influence (DUI) or went too long without buying automobile insurance and managed to get into an accident while you were uninsured. Read More …

A Great Guide To Use When Shopping For Auto Insurance

23 January 2020
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

The road can be unpredictable at times, even for good drivers. Thus, it's important to have auto insurance. There are a lot of options today, but by using these tips, you can come away with a great policy that works perfectly.  Compare Rates You probably want to get the best deal on an auto insurance policy as it lets you keep more money in your pocket every month. To do this, it's highly recommended to compare rates from different auto insurance providers. Read More …

Tips To Ensure You Don’t Lose Your Home Insurance Policy

23 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

As a homeowner it is imperative to make sure that you are always keeping up with your home insurance policy. To help make sure that you are not going to end up with a notice that your home owners insurance policy has been canceled, you will want to read through the following tips and make sure that you are always protected. Replace Missing Siding Immediately Over time, due to age and bad storms, you might notice that some siding can be blown off of the side of your house. Read More …

How Does Rental Car Insurance Coverage Work?

14 November 2019
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you are trying to choose the types of coverages you want for your auto insurance plan, one of the add-ons you could ask for is called rental car coverage. Rental car coverage is considered an endorsement on a policy, which simply means you are paying a little more for this extra coverage and here are several things to understand about having rental car coverage. The costs Rental car coverage is not an expensive type of coverage to add for most people. Read More …