Navigating the World of Insurance

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Navigating the World of Insurance

The world of insurance is changing. While you used to have to meet up with an insurance agent in person to discuss your policy options, you can now begin a new insurance policy right online. When I first signed up for an auto insurance policy, I realized that signing up right online led to confusion when I didn't have an agent with me to discuss which policy was best for me. Thankfully, I realized I could chat with an agent right on the website. I then began researching insurance and learned a lot about many types of insurance during the process. I find the ever-changing world of insurance so interesting that I continue to research it and thought that I would help others by posting what I learn on a blog. I hope I can help you make good insurance policy decisions! Check back often for new posts!


Suspended Or Revoked: Four Ways To Get Your License Back

19 October 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

When your license is suspended or revoked, your insurance company is going to "hear" about it. Usually, this comes with a judge notifying your insurance company that you cannot drive until you purchase SR22 insurance. Of course, the insurance company might hear about it in other ways too. If you want to get your license back, here is the short list of things you might be expected to, or ordered to, do. Read More …

Buying A New Farm? 4 Types Of Insurance You Should Have

19 October 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you are buying a new farm, you never know what will happen on it, such as human injuries, animal injuries, loss of equipment, or damage to barns. These things can make you lose a lot of money if you have to pay out of pocket. To prevent this from happening, below are four different types of insurance you should purchase. Property Insurance This type of insurance will cover any damages to your machinery, sheds, barn, and more. Read More …

3 Simple Things You Do To Save Money On Your Homeowner’s Insurance

19 October 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Insuring your house is incredibly important. Usually, if you have a loan on the house it is required that you carry insurance on it. But even if you don't have a mortgage on the property you should always have a good insurance property. However, there are some simple things that you can do to save money on your homeowner's insurance. Here are some tips: 1. Bundle Your Insurance With Other Policies Read More …

Questions Agents Ask When Calculating Homeowner’s Insurance Quotes

15 October 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you are interested in finding a new homeowner's insurance policy for your house, you can call an insurance agency of your choice to ask for a quote. Most insurance companies offer quotes over the phone, but the agent you speak with will probably need to ask you a lot of questions before he or she can give you a quote. Here are some of the questions agents ask and the reasons they ask them. Read More …

3 Things That Can Affect Auto Insurance Rates

15 October 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

When it comes to auto insurance, there are a variety of factors that are taken into account when determining rates. Each auto insurance company varies when it comes to using these factors to determine how much to charge. Because of this rates can differ greatly from company to company. While many factors that determine rates, such as age and gender, cannot be changed, others can. Here are three things that can affect auto insurance rates: Read More …